Bullring & Grand Central

Sandbox VR


Bullring & Grand Central can’t wait to get you immersed in another world, just in case you need a break from the one you’re in now. And without having to leave the country. Fully dimensional, state of the art VR technology will allow you, and your favourite have the most fun you’ll have this year. Bookings are open now.

You choose what you want your epic adventure to be. Then all you have to do is put on a VR headset and go deep to a place that feels so real, your brain believes it and your body follows.

Choose from adventures like fighting zombies in ‘Deadwood Valley’, defending earth from an alien swarm in ‘Amber Sky 2088’, fight alongside your kids in ‘The Curse of Davy Jones’, or get beamed up in ‘Star Trek: Discovery Away Mission’. Epic.

But don’t worry, we will bring you on the journey from the very first step, to the mesmerising, highly enjoyable and interactive experience itself, to a favourite bevvy or three from a robot bartender, while watching post-play video performances so you and your mates can laugh at what you went through.

This may be a Birmingham “first”, but we highly suspect it won’t be the last time you want to play in the Sandbox. Try it out, we promise you will be able to ‘Escape It All.’

When: Kicking off 19 July onwards, Mon - Fri 10am-11:30pm, Sat 10am – midnight, Sun 10am – 10:30pm

Where: Grand Central

Register now for our epic Sandbox experience. And stay up to date with our calendar of future events and offerings at Birmingham Bullring & Grand Central.

Play like you have never played before.
